Translation and English learning by Britannica
merriam webster

1 Translation result for tongue-lashing in Spanish


unfavorite favorite

Example sentences of

  • When I got home later than my curfew, I got a tongue-lashing from my parents.

tongue noun

unfavorite favorite play sound
lengua; idioma

Example sentences of
tongue noun

  • The little girl stuck her tongue out at me.
  • The taste of the spice was still on her tongue.
  • He spoke in a foreign tongue.
  • English is my native tongue.
  • They speak the same tongue.
  • His sharp tongue is going to get him into trouble someday.
  • The cow ran its tongue over its lips.

Synonyms of
tongue noun

lashing noun

unfavorite favorite play sound
latigazo; atadura, ligadura

Example sentences of
lashing noun

  • They gave the sailor a lashing.
  • She put lashings of butter on her muffin.

Reverse translation for tongue-lashing

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